Stakeholders Engagement

Stakeholders Engagement

We engage with stakeholders through various channels, strive to respond to the concerns of stakeholders, and propose corresponding strategies and actions.

Engagement Strategies and Goals

Improve how Sinyi Realty engages with stakeholders in our efforts to act, influence and advocate for responsible business growth.

Engagement Results and Feedback

Sinyi Realty attaches importance to the feedback of stakeholders. In response to the concerns or suggestions of various stakeholders, and in line with the motto: “Sinyi begins with trust and ends with perfection,” we continue to improve in all aspects, plan corresponding strategies, and propose actions or projects. Here are excerpts from some stakeholder’s suggestions and feedback to us.

For more information, please refer to the videos or interviews on Sinyi Sustainability Website:

You can also give us more feedback through the online questionnaire.

The Categories and Significance of stakeholders

Our stakeholders mainly include investors, employees, customers, society (including the media, government and the competent authorities, etc.), the environment and suppliers. We have considerable responsibility toward our stakeholders. Therefore, it is necessary to engage with them through various methods and channels to understand their needs and expectations. Their feedbacks are also used as a reference for the formulation of sustainability policies and related plans. The modes and channels of engagement with stakeholders are presented in the chart below. For related material topics, the responses and plans are detailed in subsequent chapters.


Talent is the foundation of business. Employees are partners in business and not merely assets. A company must provide competitive levels of compensation and a comprehensive system of benefits, ensure a safe employment environment, which could attract outstanding talents, giving absolutely respects and cares, and grow together with the company.
Engagement Means and Methods [Frequency]
  • Sustainability ReportAnnually
  • Sustainability website and mailboxTimely
  • Various internal meetingsRegularly
  • Internal communications platformTimely
  • Employees communications mailboxTimely
  • Departmental service hotlineTimely
  • Labor-management meetingsRegularly
  • EAP assistance programTimely
  • 1234 sexual harassment prevention hotlineTimely
  • Course opinion surveysTimely
  • Internal questionnairesAnnually
  • A-yi ChatbotTimely
Issues of Concern
  1. 8
  2. 9
  3. 10
  4. 11
  5. 15
  6. 16
  7. 17
  8. Learn more 〉
Results of Consensus

Full communication with employees at any time, including collecting their feedback, enabling us to adjust policies and related guidelines or regulations. We collected 118,888 comments, most of which were recommendations for training and salary incentives.

Response Methods and Results

The implementation of Sinfu Coin - flexible benefits is carried out by employee satisfaction surveys, and rules are completed by multiple communication channels. With high-paying jobs, diverse career paths, and proper support, our policies encourage employees to pursue higher achievement. Our online training and lifelong learning allow employees at all levels to better use their fragment time to improve their professional knowledge, and to achieve a balance between life and work.

Responsive Feedback
  •  Positive Labor-Employer Relations
  •  Talent Cultivation and Development
  •  Occupational Health and Safety
  •  Benefits and Retirement Plans
  •  Diversity and Inclusion
  •  The Human Right and LOHAS

Social – Internal Stakeholders

Good Job, Good Life, Good Service

Branch and the community collaborate in establishing a health protection system. This involves vaccinating pets against rabies, which helps mitigate the risks of contracting diseases such as rabies, fleas, and heartworms when they visit the nearby park, Yu Cheng Park, where many pet owners gather with their beloved pets on weekends.

Recognizing that some community residents, particularly the elderly, may find it inconvenient to travel long distances for pet vaccinations, we have established local vaccination stations within residential parks. This not only provides convenience for residents but also allows customers to experience our thoughtful services.

Colleagues enthusiastically participate in these initiatives, experiencing the therapeutic benefits that pets bring. In fact, one of our colleagues has even incorporated "Responsible Pet Ownership" into their annual goal-setting framework, integrating work and personal life to achieve set objectives.

Zhongxiao Yucheng / Branch manager James Lee