Material Topics

Material Topics Management

How Does Sinyi Analyze Materiality

Every year, Sinyi collects information through various channels to gain an understanding of which issues reflect the significant economic, environmental, and social impacts of the organization, or have a substantial influence on the assessments and decisions of stakeholders.

We collect feedback from external stakeholders and research sustainable business trends and global challenges, such as Global Risks Report, SDGs, TCFD, SASB and CDP, in order to understand potential key risks and opportunities. We also gather issues of concern from internal management teams and functional units in the course of business through means such as community monitoring systems and interviews with internal experts. Through the process of assessing materiality, we are able to determine material topics concerning Sinyi.

Impact on business development

Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement Methods and Result

Impacts on the economy, environment, and people(including human rights)

Our value chain, core competence and sustainable innovation

Sinyi Realty considers double-materiality, from the impact on business development, performance, position or value of the company, as well as the impact assessment of the company’s activities on the environment and society. In 2022, the material issues for Sinyi are "Talent Training and Development," "Quality of Service and Customer Rights" and “Corporate Image." Sinyi Realty has always been "people-oriented" and regards employees and customers as the most important core. We continue to operate "trust" to ensure the safety of real estate transactions and protect the rights and interests of stakeholders.

Supply Chain

Based on the material issues of concern identified by our stakeholders, we identified corresponding material topics and SDGs as set out in the table below.

We continue to manage and analyze the important strategies, goals and performances correspond to Sinyi Sustainability Principles, and move toward the core targets and vision of Sinyi Realty.

pdfProgress Update

The management approach of material topics follows “Sinyi Sustainability Principles” to identify, analyze and respond to actual and potential impacts.

pdfManagement approach