Enviromental Sustainability

Environment News


Sinyi Realty expanded its green impact, conducting 20,000 community services in 3 years.

Community Activities

Community activities include energy and water saving lectures, recycling, holiday events, and hygiene topics. For example, in cooperation with Sinyi Living and its suppliers to teach the community residents to make non-toxic cleaners at home.

Community Services

The community services combine practical skills and environmental-enhancing actions. For example, screen repairing was launched in 2019, since then about 1,217 communities have been served with a total of 8,789 households, and the number of screens repaired has exceeded 10,000.

Charitable Activities

Before the outbreak of the epidemic, Sinyi Realty held regular volunteer activities every month. In 2019, more than 100 Sinyi volunteers get together to clean the Houpi Beach in Chuangwei, Yilan. More than 100 bags of garbage and recyclables were collected in 2 hours, weighing more than 800 kilograms.

  1. Environment News
  2. ESG News