Welfare and Promotion

Sinyi Realty has established a comprehensive system of regular performance interviews and evaluations to help employees at all levels continue to grow. Performance reviews do not differ by gender, and 100% of staff undergoes such reviews. Employees dispatched abroad are reviewed in line with local assessment systems, and contracted employees in accordance with their contracts.

Proportion of
undergo reviews

Managers at all levels undergo full training in performance interviews and assessment in order to provide staff with guidance, support, and career counseling to help them grow. Management regularly conducts performance reviews and improvement reviews with regard to employees, setting goals accordingly.

The results of performance reviews are also used as the basis for promotions and salary adjustments.

Performance Revlew Procedures

To help employees develop appropriate career paths, we provide two tracks of development—one for specialists (sales-focused agents) and one for management (management from branch manager level up). Sales and management alike start from the bottom, rising through the ranks through sufficient management training and as they acquire the skills necessary for each management level. Each year, regular selection of store and regional management is conducted, with the founder personally participating.

Administration promotions are done in accordance with the Salary Adjustment and Promotion Proposal Guidelines by observations of performance and potential. The skill levels and potential for development are assessed in line with their performance evaluations, length of employment, and merits/demerits, and promotions proposed accordingly.

Whether the bonus system, the promotion system, or selection of “Sinyi Gentlepeople,” one of our primary points of reference is the satisfaction of our customers.

Each year, Sinyi Realty holds a “Sinyi Gentlepeople” selection event, displaying the lucky winners’ likenesses on big posters on the company’s “honor roll” wall. Selection for this honor depends not only on job performance indicators like having received zero complaints, being involved in no disputes, and having not been subject to disciplinary action, but also, beyond this basic threshold, on a full 360-degree review that also looks at how they have used their energy and enthusiasm to make the organization better. The standards are high, making this an honor even harder to get than that of top salesperson, and so it is looked upon as the highest honor in terms of service quality at Sinyi Realty.